Saturday, May 1, 2010

alright, here goes..well...I hope something.

So last night at work, a co-worker of mine's mother told me that she started drinking nothing but water and eating breakfast every single day because she never had before, and she's already lost 3 pounds. So I have taken it upon myself and made a vow that from today until I don't know when, I'm not going to drink soda. If it can make that big of a difference, I think I can afford to give it up for a little while. Even diet soda is not so great for you. While I am addicted to the caffeine and looooove Coke Zero and Diet Mountain Dew, I'm going to give it up. Maybe I should just start getting to bed on time too (ha ha) because apparently a full night's sleep also helps in becoming healthier. I am AWFUL at dieting, so maybe this whole just giving up soda and eating breakfast thing will help. Just maybe. I already had a diet coke today, but that's it. My last one for a while. We'll see how this goes...

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